The San Francisco Botanical Garden gets you out among the flora... right at the heart of the city.
Labels. Some plant expert put labels on nearly 9,000 subjects of this vegetable kingdom found within Golden Gate Park. Descriptions are pinned on towering tree trunks or planted by a tangle of green twigs, to help put a botanical face to its scientific and common name. It’s an outdoor living museum so find a bench. Watch a dragonfly in ecstasy. Hike up a dirt trail that suddenly zags and delivers you to a Monterey Cypress (Cupressus Macrocarpa). Seek a less traveled path and stairs will appear. Get lost under long-limbed bamboo.
Get lost under long-limbed bamboo. Make spontaneous direction choices like you are a butterfly.
Make spontaneous direction choices like you are a butterfly and stumble upon a community of coast redwoods (the label says these Sequoia sempervirens hang out between Monterey County and the Oregon border). “We’re never going to find our way out,” your garden companion will say. So find another bench and tell them how the 150-year-old Golden Gate Park is San Francisco’s lungs.
Vibemap Tips:
🌳 Botanical Garden - Free second Tuesday of every month and 7:30-9am daily
🌸 Japanese Tea Garden - Free on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 9-10am
🌺 Conservatory of Flowers - Free first Tuesday of every month
Before ⎸Pickup boba at Little Sweet and as much challah and coffee cake as you can carry from Arizmendi Bakery
After ⎸Soup time! It gets cold in the Inner Sunset, so grab some dubu (spicy tofu and pork belly) or a standard non-soup like bibimbap at korean.
About the Author:
Keli Dailey
After working too much in journalism + branding + spending too much time on screens, Keli wanted to focus on building stronger personal connections In Real Life. And here came the founders of Vibemap with an idea!
Keli's Vibes: Quiet Energy, Hipster, Friendly, Blerd, Contrarian, Shoulder Shimmy, In Solidarity
Follow @kelidailey