For your homeware, handmade ceramic and organic beauty needs head to San Francisco’s woman-owned shop
Where your most artsy, Earth Mother friend shops for gifts. Earthen is a go-to for simple utility (durable ceramic bowls) and mystical objects (tarot cards) and personal wellbeing (botanical body washes). Artist Julia Lemke runs this ceramics studio + homewares shop. It’s rooted in folk craft and modern design. It’s as if the book “Women Who Run With the Wolves” and magazine “Dwell” came to life as a home decor shop so you can enjoy your everyday rituals.
Before ⎸Quick caffeine pick-me-up at the independently owned Mercury Cafe.
After ⎸Get a decadent burger at Maven and walk it off at the small, urban Duboce Park.
About the Author:
Keli Dailey
After working too much in journalism + branding + spending too much time on screens, Keli wanted to focus on building stronger personal connections In Real Life. And here came the founders of Vibemap with an idea!
Keli's Vibes: Quiet Energy, Hipster, Friendly, Blerd, Contrarian, Shoulder Shimmy, In Solidarity
Follow @kelidailey