Bicycle Coffee has been bringing cold brews to the Oakland community since 2009.

Bike trailers. That’s how the Bicycle Coffee founders carted and sold their coffee around Oaktown when they first started in 2009. Now the mobile roasters have found fixed sites for their organic coffee, matcha, chai boba, and CBD-infused drinks.

Find one of their locations (the Jack London Square spot has “bicycle” written in big block letters on its warehouse windows) because every Friday Bicycle Coffee gives out free pour overs and cold brews to the community. They also give back: A portion of Bicycle Coffee's sales go to World Bike Relief.

Vibemap Tip: There's also a Bicycle Coffee location in uptown at Broadway & Grand and you can find them popping up at the Grand Lake Farmers Market!

Before ⎸Walk along the water -- stroll through Jack London Square, a landmark with lots of places to eat and visit along a publicly accessible estuary. If it’s Sunday visit the farmers market and any other day the cabin of the “White Fang” author and square’s namesake.

After ⎸While you've still have a positive buzz, buy a friend at at Oakland Supply Shop at Oakland Supply Company. Then just two words “patio dining.” Hit up Chop Bar for burgers, poutine or brunch. “in West African parlance, is a roadside bar/restaurant that also serves as a gathering place for the community,” is how the restaurant describes itself.

About the Author:

Keli Dailey

After working too much in journalism + branding + spending too much time on screens, Keli wanted to focus on building stronger personal connections In Real Life. And here came the founders of Vibemap with an idea!

Keli's Vibes: Quiet Energy, Hipster, Friendly, Blerd, Contrarian, Shoulder Shimmy, In Solidarity

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About the Author:

Keli Dailey

Keli Dailey, Director of Brand Marketing at Vibemap, has a diverse and extensive work experience in academia, government and the journalism field. Keli’s committed to building stronger personal connections In Real Life. Keli's Vibes: Quiet Energy, Hipster, Friendly, Blerd, Contrarian, Shoulder Shimmy, In Solidarity.