Go beyond the typical 'things that go bump in the night,' with Seattle's ghostly haunts delivering truly spine-chilling frights.

Forget about the scary movies and the fake haunted houses. If you want some real paranormal activity, Seattle has enough to keep you on the edge of your seat throughout the Halloween season and beyond.

Creepy Historic Vibe

Want to get out of the rain? We dare you to head underground. Following the 1889 Great Seattle Fire, the city was rebuilt on top of itself. The underground area beneath Pioneer Square remains and given its history of murder and deaths due to the blaze, the odds of paranormal activity are high. The Underground Tour will guide you into this eerie place where spirits are still said to roam the dark, winding passageways.

Playful Casper Vibe

They say the ghosts at this Kells Irish Restaurant & Bar are just here to have a good time. Located in the old Butterworth Building, it was once a mortuary. A happy apparition called Charlie occasionally appears in a Guinness mirror, while the ghost of a little girl wearing a red taffeta dress, the kind with that rustles loudly when you walk, has been endlessly searching for someone to play with, but always comes up empty.

Dark & Mysterious Vibe

Pike Place Market is said to be "full of spirit" but you might not realize just how true that is. Below the flying fish and colorful produce are spooky subterranean levels. It's easy to get lost among the hallways leading to nowhere, while shop windows reveal creepy-eyed dolls that follow your every move. Watch for Frank, a tall, elderly ghost who likes to introduce himself to passersby.

Vintage 420 Vibe

Particularly daring? Book a stay at Hotel Sorrento, said to house the ghost of Alice B. Toklas, the woman who invented pot brownies in 1954. She might have created the ultimate 420 treat, but she has a special fondness for guests staying in room 408. Many report sightings describing her in vintage clothing carrying a parasol.

About the Author:

K.C. Dermody

Inspired by adventure, K.C. Dermody is a travel writer who splits her time between Seattle and Baja, Mexico, exploring some of the world’s most remote corners in between. When not writing, she’s probably chasing whales, swimming with sea lions, hitting scenic trails, or investigating haunted Irish castles, ending the day by sipping a tasty beverage with the locals. She is in 100 percent agreement with Anthony Bourdain's advice to "Open your mind, get up off the couch, move.”